
We have been asked to produce a newly typeset edition of the Kyriale. This will include Credo VII that is only found in the later editions of the Kyriale. We will follow the page, text and chant sizes of the Gradual Romanum rather than the Liber Usualis or the smaller Solesmes Kyriale page and text sizes.

The newly printed Kyriale is available for for purchase from our friends at

We have also produced the Spanish Supplementum ad Kyriale compiled at the famous monastery of Santo Domingo de Silos, published in 1934, as a separate Supplement.

A further Supplement with the Asperges and Vidi Aquam from the Holger Peter Sandhofe edition of the Kyriale, The five Henry Du Mont plainchant Masses from, Cinq messes en plainchant 1669 and the “Messe de Sainte Hildegarde” . Can also be found below.